A prova di… Miele

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The book

Did you know that Italy has more than 60 varieties of monofloral honeys? This makes it one of the most interesting countries in the world in terms of honey production. And talking about honey, especially about bees, is always very intriguing for the ones who listen, because they often don’t know much about this fascinating world. This is why in 1999 an Albo Nazionale degli Esperti di analisi sensoriale del miele was instituted: educated people who have studied to describe, recognise and judge honeys.

Thansk to AMI (Ambasciatori dei Mieli), that has curated the introduction of the book, we are able to tell you the story of honey production in Italy in a very detailed way, doing an excursus of the most used honeys, but also the least known ones. We complete the book with the delicious recipes from Tiziana Colombo, food blogger and honey enthusiast, who was able to create a different dish for each variety of honey.

Data sheet

Product dimensions: 17×24 cm
Pages: 136 pages
Cover price: 18,00 €
Date: 2023
Language: Italian
ISBN: 978-8899528-99-7

Marco Magri

His passion for apicolture brought him to become an expert in honey analysis. He is part of the Albo Nazionale and he took part in the workshops of the Consiglio Nazionale per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA). He is about to become a teacher for the Albo and he works as a jury in different contests. He also leads public workshops for AMI (Ambasciatori dei mieli).

Tiziana Colombo

Entrepreneur, author and food specialist. Her blog nonnapaperina.it has become a point of gathering for all those people who have lo live with dietary restrictions. Tiziana offers gluten free recipes, lactose free and nichel free, as well as vegetarian and vegan options. With this book, her first one with Trenta Editore, Tiziana wanted to dedicate different recipes to an ingredient that saved her diet: honey.

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