I buoni sapori d’Italia. Viaggio nelle Accademie del gusto

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The book

Do you know how many typical products there are in Italy from the North to the South? Many, many and many… a number you can’t imagine! I buoni sapori d’Italia tells you a little part of them, the most unusual and curious ones: from Bergamotto to Capocollo, from Matera bread to Strolghino; and also Ciriola from Roma, Testaroli from Lunigiana and Frustingo from Marche. Would you like to know how to taste and to cook them? Try the recipes of the book: simple and easy, with photos and tips.

Data sheet

Product dimensions: 15 x 21 cm
Pages: 192 pages
Cover price: 15,00 €
Date: 2012
Language: Italiano
ISBN: 978-88-96923-29-0


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