Chubby & Sticky. Torte in festa (vol. 4)

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The book

When biscuits go missing in the dresser, you have a problem! Even worse, when someone steals the cookbook with the apple pie’s secret recipe! But Chubby & Sticky can solve every problem. It doesn’t take much to make your friends happy: an orchestra composed by brothers Peas, singing and playing, and a Peace cake. That’s what little readers can find in the 4th vol.: hilarious stories to make friends with vegetables!

Data sheet

Product dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Pages: 128 pages
Cover price: 8,50 €
Date: 2015
Language: Italiano
ISBN: 978-88-96528-02-7



Born in Lecco, Lodovica Cima lives in Milan, writes books for children and works as consultant for many publishing houses. She is a contributor for many magazines and teaches at Master per l’Editoria dell’Università Statale of Milan; she holds continuing education courses on reading and live reading. She is the author of the series Chubby & Sticky for Trenta Editore.

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